
Shikara – a tremely formed creation, usually secondary, which genetic originates from some previously destroyed low, medium or high forest. Until the disappearance of forests and the appearance of the Shikari, gradually in a long period of time, as a result of excessive cuttings and irrational management, permanent grazing and rooting, forest fires, inadequate legal restrictions in the use of forests, etc. After the disappearance (felling) of the former forests, there was a natural renewal after a vegetative path, but the goods with the existing root of the banks completed what the man started. The trees lost its normal shape and turned into shrubs. Another characteristic of the Shikari is that there was a change in living conditions, which caused the change of the vegetation composition of the former forest. Al. And.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ШИКАРА

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