Shatev, Pavel

Shatev, Pavel (Kratovo, 15. 1882 – Bitola, 30 and 1951) – Revolutionary, national Dean, publicist and statesman. He completed the Exarchatic High School in Thessaloniki (1900), where he joined the terrorist circle of Gemids. He participated in the failed air lifting attempt at the Ottoman Bank in Constantinople and the diversion of the French passenger ship “Guadalkivir” in the Thessaloniki port (20, 29 and 30. ⅳ 1903). He was arrested and sentenced to death, but his sentence was replaced by life-long slave and sent in the prison near Faban (Libya). After the Young Turk Revolution, he was amnestied (1908) and went to Brussels to study laws (1912), who completed at the Sofia University. For some time, he was a professor in the with-Pavel Satev Luman Trade Academy. In the First World War he was a lawyer at the Bulgarian army headquarters in Nis, and after the war political activist, the Macedonian emigration in Sofia and President of the Macedonian Emigration Federal Organization (since its establishment in December 1921). In contact with the representatives of the Soviet Union and Comintern in Sofia, he became their professional intelligence (1923). He participated in the preparation and negotiations on the signing of the May manifesto (1924). Soon he emigrated to Turkey (September 1924), and then in Vienna (1925) and Berlin (1928). He was one of the VMRO (OB) and associate in her authority in. “Macedonian work”. He was soon transferred to work in Constantinople (1929), and then in Sofia, as Head of the Center of the Intelligence Service of the USSR. He was arrested (November 1941) and interned into a penal camp, and then sentenced to 15 years in prison (July 1942). After the capitulation of Bulgaria (9. 1944) he returned to Macedonia and was elected a member of the Presidium of ASNOM and a trustee for justice. He accepted the resolution of the Informbiro, was arrested (June 1949) and interned in Bitola, where he died. He is the author of publicist and memoirs. BIB.: Thessaloniki assassination and spokes in Fean, according to memories of Pavel Satev. Translation Cvetko Martinovski, Skopje, 1994. Lit.: Dr Krste Bitoski, Thessaloniki Assassinations 1903, Skopje, 1985; Pavel Satev, time, life, work (1882-1951). Articles from the scientific gathering held on 15 and 16. ⅲ 1992; Jovan Pavlovski, Gemidians, Skopje, 1977 and 1997. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ШАТЕВ, Павел

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