Serafimov, Peter.

Serafimov, Peter (Ohrid, 28. ⅴ 1915 – Skopje, 6. 2001) – City. Ing., order. Prof. At the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Skopje (from 1962 to retirement in 1980) by cases in the field of mechanics and theory of constructions, academician since the founding of MANU (1967). He graduated from Mathematics in Belgrade, and then studied construction and graduated from the High Technical School in Dresden (1946). He continued working on a doctoral dissertation and defended him 16. ⅵ 1947. In Dresden, becoming the first doctor of technical sciences from our country. Then in Skopje it works in the construction operations, while giving the course rational mechanics at the Faculty of Philosophy. On 1. ⅹ 1949 Petar Serafimov was elected professor at the newly established Technical Faculty in Skopje and only a few days later marked the beginning of the faculty with the first lecture. He played a significant role in the development of the technical, architectural-construction and construction faculty, and the constitution and the progress of the Department of Technical Mechanics and the theory of constructions are directly related to his work. A great contribution gave in the conceptualization and realization of the first postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and IZIIS. He worked on the realization of the most complex industrial and engineering facilities, but with the greatest pleasure, it was occupied by the design of adhesive concrete dams. He was Dean of the Architectural Civil Engineering (1971-1973). BIB.: Selected chapters of the dynamics of constructs, determining the seismic forces and theory of waves (1968) and the basics of the constructs (1984). L. T. Sacred Serafimov

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис СЕРАФИМОВ, Петар

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