Salih, Niji Suleiman (Ohrid, 25. and 1920 – Skopje, 13. 1975) – carpenter, carbar and political Dean. He first studied the carpentry craft, and then finished the Carving School in Ohrid. After the fascist occupation, emigrated to Albania, where he joined a nod. Later he arrived in the territory of Western Macedonia and became a fighter of the first Macedonian-Kosovo Nou Brigade (November 1943). After the liberation, he worked in state security authorities (1946-1967), he was MP in the Assembly of the SRM (1967-1974 and a member of the Presidency of the SRM (1974- 1975). S. Ml. Blagoja Samakoski
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис САЛИХ, Наџи Сулејман