Saint Archangel.

“St. Archangel” – a monastery church above the village. Varos (Prilep). Repeatedly renewed. In science long, it has been policed ​​about who its part (western or eastern) was originally. The latest researches show-monastery church “St. Archangel, “s. Varos appealed that in one renewal to the eastern part, the western was built, over which the dome swept. On the west side of the church was built open porch that relies on stone pillars. On one of the pillars, an inscription with Cyrillic letters is carved, which mentions the death of Bishop Andreja, who died in 996. The walls of the prolonged western part of the Church are decorated with fresco painting, the work of an unknown painter. Among the better preserved compositions are: the cycles of Christ’s suffering, the secret dinner, Christ before the PI-Lat, the crime of Christ, the hospitality of Abramovo, the miracle in Xona and the kitoric composition of the first zone, where the founder, the Great Hertolaryi John. After the fine value, the preserved fresco painting belongs to the ranks of the most representative works of medieval painting in Macedonia. Lit.: V. Petkovs ¢, review Chkkench Memovenik Kroz Norovsky Narod, Belgrade, 1950; L. Lip, chosen readers for the history of the Macedonian people, Skopje, 1951; C. J. -Uni ¢, Byzantus Freske U Yugoslavians, Belgrade, 1974; B. Bana in Macedonia (1938). Locising, cultural wealth of Prilep of the exit of the Treska River ⅴ to ⅹⅰⅹ c., Belgrade, 1976. K. B. The dam “St. Andreja” of Fever, Skopje

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис СВЕТИ АРХАНГЕЛ

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