Rostushe – Village in the valley of the r. Radika. It is located in the eastern foot of Mount Deshat, on the right side of the r. Radika, at an altitude of about 720 m. The regional road R-409 is linked to Debar and Mavrovo. There are 720 h., Of which 394 were declared as Macedonians, 427 as Turks and 41 as Albanians. Part of the population is on temporary work abroad, mostly in Italy. It is a seat (together with Mavrovo) on a municipality that covers an area of 66,319 ha, with 42 settlements, which live 8,618 h. There is an eight-year school, a health station and a textile factory. Al. ST.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис РОСТУШЕ