Ristovski, Blaze Petrov (s. He completed the high school education in Kavadarci and Prilep (1950), and the Faculty of Philosophy (the group for the Literatures of the Peoples of SFRY and Macedonian) in Skopje (1955). With scientific research work, it begins to deal after registration of studies, and the first research paper announces in the then body of the Department of Southern Languages ”Macedonian Language” (ⅱ, 5, 1951, 117-120). Blaze Ristovski Although a full-time student, works as chief editor of the SP. “People’s health” and head of the press department at the Institute for Health Education in Skopje (1953- 1955). After a year-old professors in Kavadarci (1956/57), he returns to Skopje and works as a language editor of Radio Skopje (1957-1961). As a lecturer for Macedonian language and lecturer for Macedonian literature at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Ljubljana (1961-1966) he also leads the lectures at the Pedagogical Academy in Maribor (1965-1966). After the defense of the doctoral dissertation “Krste P. Misirkov – Life and work “(1965) was elected director of the Institute of Folklore in Skopje. It raises and edits the SP. “Makedonski Folkor” (1968-1978). The founder is also president of the biteal international symposium on the Balkan folklore in Ohrid. Organizes a successful field gathering of Macedonian folk articles, and conceives the publishing business of the Institute of Folklore. As a scientific advisor, he passes at the Institute of National History (1977-1991), where the Cultural History Team is managed by the Balkan History Department. He was elected for the first vice president of the first government of the independent Republic of Macedonia (1991-1992), and retirement is a scientific adviser at the Institute for Old Slavic Culture (1993-1995). He was a member of the Education of the SP. “Ethnologia Slavica” (Bratislava), “Demos” (Berlin), “People’s Revage – Folklore” (Belgrade), “Views”, “modernity”, “messenger” of Ina (Skopje), etc. He was the president of the association of the folklorists of Macedonia and the Union of the associations of folklorists of Yugoslavia, the first vice president of the Board of the Balkan Festival of Folk Songs and games in Ohrid (1967), member of the Republican Commission for Cultural Relations with abroad, chairman of the Council of Philosophical and historic faculty, etc. On two occasions, a guestprofor in Macedonian history and civilization of the National Institute of Oriental Languages and B. Ristovski: “History of the Macedonian Nation” (1999) Civilizations (Sorbonne ⅲ) in Paris (1986 and 1992) and Secretary of MANU (1999-2002). As a researcher of the Macedonian literary, linguistic and national history and folklore in Macedonia, several books were published on the development of Macedonian cultural and national thought and over 800 articles and other articles in various rules and magazines in the country and abroad. Scientific interests are moving in several thematic relations and engaging the specifics of the emergence and development of the Macedonian people and the Macedonian national thought and action to its final affirmation; The history of the Macedonian written and literary language, literary history and folklore. He specifically explores and affirms national activists from ⅹⅰⅹ and ⅹⅹ c .: Krste P. Misirkov, Dimitrija D. Chupovski, Nace D. Dimov, Gjorgjia M. Pulevski, Peter D. Draganov, Marko Cepenkov, Koco Racin, Vasil Iconomov, Nikola Vapzarov, Todor Chopov, etc. In its papers, new documentary factography and scientific argumentation and analytical and critical approach to sources and literature presented the scientific public series, events and processes and all of the Plejada profiles from the Macedonian cultural and national past. Co-author is five learning history for primary and secondary education. BIB.: A) Special publications: Krste P. Misirkov (1874-1926). Attachment to the study of the development of the Macedonian national thought, Skopje, 1966; “Vardar”. Scientific-literary and social-political magazine of K. P. Misirkov, Skopje, 1966; Growers in the development of the Macedonian National Miss, Skopje, 1968; Nation N. Dimov (1876- 1916), Skopje, 1973; Gjorgjia M. Pulevski and his books “Fairy Macedonian” and “Macedonian Song on”, Skopje, 1973; Macedonian National Liberation Songs, Skopje, 1974; Dimitrija Cupovski (1878-1940) and Macedonian scientific-literary comrades in Petrograd. Attachments to the study of Macedonian-Russian links and development of Macedonian national thought, and-ⅱ, Skopje, 1978; Macedonian verse 1900-1944. Research and materials, and ⅱ, Skopje, 1980; Reporting and profiles from the Macedonian literary history, 1-2, Skopje, 1982; The Macedonian people and the Macedonian nation. Attachments for the development of Macedonian cultural and national thought, 1-2, Skopje, 1983; Koco Racin. Historical-literary research, Skopje, 1983; Vasil Ikonomov (1848-1934). Attachment to the study of the Macedonian cultural and national development, Skopje, 1985; Krste Misirkov (1874-1926), Bitola, 1986; Macedonian folklore and national consciousness. Research and records, and-ⅱ, Skopje, 1987; Portraits and processes from Macedonian literary and national history. Attachments for Macedonian cultural and national development, 1-3, Skopje, 1989-1990; Macedonian Chronicle. Excavations of literary and national themes, and-ⅱ, Skopje, 1993; Macedonia and the Macedonian nation, Skopje, 1995; Dimitrija Cupovski and Macedonian national awareness, Skopje, 1996; The early manuscripts of Krste P. Misirkov in Macedonian, Skopje. 1998; Dimitar V. Macedonian, solemn gathering on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of birth and 100th anniversary of death, Skopje, 1999; Dimitri – Chupovski and National Realization, Skopje, 1999; Macedanean and TePhe Macedonian Peaouple, Vienna-Skopje, 1999; History of the Macedonian Nation, Skopje, 1999; Krste Misirkov. New research and knowledge, Skopje, 2000; Knowing language, literature and nation, Skopje, 2001; Macedonian cause. Reacting, controversy, interviews, Skopje, 2001; Centuries of the Macedonian consciousness. Research on Cultural-National Development, Skopje, 2001; b) Elections and Edits: Marco K. Cepenkov, Macedonian folk repentations, book Tenth, materials, literary works, edect – Skopje, 1972; Macedonian Revolutionary People’s Songs for Goce Delchev, Jordan Pepper and Pitu Guli. Choice, editorial and remarks – Skopje, 1974; Gjorgjia M. Pulevski, selected pages. Choice, editorial and remarks – Skopje, 1974; K. P. Misirkov, for the Macedonian works, “Vardar”. Redition, preface and remarks – Skopje, 1974; Voloca Naumcheski, verses 1939-1941. Redition, preface and remarks – Skopje, 1979; Todor Chopov, collected works. He arrived – Skopje, 1982; Krste P. Misirkov, selected pages. He arrived -, Skopje, 1991; Racini Macedonian National Liberation Songs, Skopje, 1983; Krste P. Misirkov, for Macedonians, Bitola, 1983; Nikola Vaptsarov, songs for the homeland. Collected verses. Preparation and translation -, Skopje, 1986; Ceko Stefanov Popivanov, drama in three act, Skopje, 1996; Zafir Belev, memoirs for the Ohrid conspiracy. (A short story in Macedonian). Prepared – (with co-author), Ohrid, 2001; Krste P. Misirkov, for the Macedonian works, phototypical edition on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the release of the book, arrived – Skopje, 2003; Krste P. Misirkov, UN MACEDONIAN MATTERS. The UN Tezasion of Tezh Hundreeth Anyovers of Teken Publishe of Puche Book. Arranged BS Blaise Ristovski, Translation BS Alan Mzonprole, English Translate Ordin Graham N. Reid, Skopje, 2003; Gjorgjia M. Pulevski, Slavic-Square General History. Preparation – (Associate Biljana Ristovska-Josifovska), Skopje, 2003; Krste P. Misirkov, collected works, I. Texts in Macedonian language (1900-1905), ⅱ. Printed research and articles (1898- 1909), ⅲ. National Political Publicism (1910-1926), Skopje, 2005, 2007 and 2008; Macedonian Peter Draganov 1857-1928. On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of his birth, Skopje, 2007. Lit.: Dr. Simo Mladenovski, notes for the author and the work, in the KN. of Blaze Ristovski, profiles and reports from the Macedonian literary history, 2, Skopje, 1982, 421-427; 50 years Institute of National History 1948-1998, Skopje, 1998, 161-179. S. Ml. Vojislav Ristovski
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис РИСТОВСКИ, Блаже Петров