Relics in the flora of the Republic of Macedonia

Relects in the flora of the Republic of Macedonia – evolutionary old plant species originating from different geological periods, with very limited dissemination of the territory of the Republic of Macedonia. According to old age, that is, the geological period originating, the most famous are the tertiary, glacial and borreal relics. Tertiary relics are preserved almost in all parts of the Republic of Macedonia, especially in the deep river gorges, in southern and western parts, where the impact of the glaciation was smaller (Ramonda Navoda, Ramoda Serbica, Viola Karani, Azlusalus Hippos Bats, Oblanda Regalis, ISSOES PHSGIA, PINUS PEUTE and others). The glacial relics are the remains of the flora of the frostmen (icy) time, prevalent in the highest regions of the mountains, refugial and cold habitats – Sinters, Silari, mountain rudinas (Drcas Octopetala, Salaj Retikula, Salajte Herbacea, Sagifera Assignedfolia, Selaginela and others). Borreal relics are the remains of the flora in the composition of the coniferated forests and shakings from the Gladition period and from certain stages of the intergmentation of the Balkan Peninsula. In the tertia, they were widespread in the Boreal Zone of the ultimate north of the holrartic and the glaciation reached the Balkan Peninsula. Today, the Republic of Macedonia are distributed in the coniferous shu, mainly suckers, jointelines, as well as the mountain shivers (Listera TRIFIDA, TRIFIDA, CSPPDIUM, CSPPDIULUS, READERA REPESSES and others). VL. M.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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