Rebellion of soldiers Macedonians in the city description (324 BCE) – against the inclusion of Persians from the newly convinced provinces in the Macedonian army, which Aleksandar ⅲ Macedonian called “descendants” (epigonies). After the arrival of the King, the rebellion was interrupted, after several Macedonian soldiers were killed. The king held a calming speech, with the Persians named “relatives.” Reconciliation ended with a common feast, which included 9,000 people. Lit.: Fanuela Papazoglu, History of the Hellenistic period, Skopje, 1995. V. ST. Map of the Vardar Vardar Orthodox Diocese of the MOC Vardar Valley Orthodox Diocese of the MOC
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПОБУНА на војниците Македонци во градот Опис