Protected spaces – Vegetable production facilities and flowers for a period when external conditions do not allow it to be performed outdoors. Depending on the type of protected areas and technological functionality, the cultivation of certain types of garden and flower plant can be temporarily (up to a certain stage of growth) or completely until the completion of the vegetation and production process. Surfaces under protected areas in the Republic of Macedonia cover 320 ha completely warmed (cultivational) and about 4,000 ha unlimited (surfaces under foil). There are two groups of protected areas: elementary (simple or temporary) and cultivation (perfect). Elemental protected Pros-Tori do not have technical installations for regulating the microclimate. There are several types of elementary protected spaces covered with transparents (foils). Covered fireplaces – diameter 30-40 cm and height 30-50 cm. Used for growing watermelons, melons, cucumbers, zucchini. Plants for a certain period (20-30 days) are protected from external unfavorable temperatures. Covered grooves and rows – with polyethylene foil, wide 40-50 cm, over 20-50 m and high 30-40 cm. Used for temporary breeding (20-30 days) watermelons, melons, zucchini, green beans, etc. Low tunnels – with width 50- 120 cm, height 40-80 cm, length up to 20 m. They are used for more garden and flower crops with direct sowing or planting. When performing production processes should be disclosed. Plain greenhouses – technically more perfect protected areas than the previous ones. Carrying construction is usually metal and relatively stable. The dimensions are different. Single with width 4-8 m, length 30-50 m and height 1.8-3,5 m. There are several types of single greenhouses, which are most often tunnel, less than two sides (stressful), or in blocks more merged among themselves. Covered with transparent polyethylene foil (PE). In greenhouses, all production processes are performed inside. The additions have ventilation lifters, irrigation installation, side-raising technique, etc. In these areas, a number of garden and flower crops can be grown. Depending on the type of elementary protected spaces, production in the spring period arrives for 15 – 30 days earlier in terms of open. Besides for early transmission, greenhouses are also used for autumn production. Cultivational spaces – protected spaces technically equipped for complete warming in the winter period. In addition to solar energy, other heat sources (geothermal waters, fuel oil, oil, solid fuels and electricity) are also used. According to the degree of technique and technological production functionality, there are several types: modern greenhouse production conditions in terms of physicopes – the oldest protected spaces in which mainly seedling is produced. After the shape are one-wing and double-shaped, and after the placement overhead and dug. Wide are 1.5 m, 12-20 m long. Traditionally warm up with biotic (fresh arsal rubbish). Covered with glass frames or by translucent foil. Greenhouses (greenhouses) – one of the most perfect protected spaces. Equipped with appropriate installation for regulating the microclimate, dietary regime, irrigation, etc. They are intended for a complete production process of vegetables and flowers. According to the construction, form and size, greenhouses can be: single (single and double-shaped), overhead, dug, specialized and universal blocks. The latter are most widespread in the world and with us. Different types of crops can be grown in them years. Hydrops – greenhouses. The cultivation of plants in them is in a helplet, in aqueous solution or in inert substrates (stone wool, perlite, zeolite, peat. The physiological (feeding) solution is prepared in pools, after a certain recipe, depending on the type, and is applied after the drop system. Plusmen greenhouses – a kind of stationed greenhouses, technically equipped as greenhouses and fully warmed. Serve for year-old production of vegetables and flowers. D. J.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet