Proesevski, Boris

Proevski, Boris (village Jankovec, Resen, 1. 1879 – Blagoevgrad, 30. and 1961) – Teacher, Revolutionary, Doctor, Secretary of the Resen Orc of the MRO. Graduated from the Exarchatic High School in Thessaloniki, and Medicine at the Separate University of Odessa. He participated in the Ilinden Uprising in the C. Arsov and S. Olchev. As a doctor, he was a volunteer in the Balkan and World War I. Lit.: H. Sil®®, the winning struggles of Macedonia, and Sophage, 1983. Al. TR. Tose Proeski

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПРОЕВСКИ, Борис

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