Popovic, Vladislav (Bell-city, 1930-1999) – archaeologist, university professor, academician. He received his PhD in Sorbonne (1956) and worked for almost two decades in the National Center for Scientific Research in Paris. He was a professor at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade and a member of Sanu. His scientific interests have a great time and thematic range, starting with the problems of Trebeniste, through the Roman and the Ranovisan Numismatics, epigree, especially the early Christian, the cities of the Roman imperial period (Sirmium, Customs City), then the Slavic invasions in the Balkans and Macedonia, the penetration of CURE and SERMESTICS, KOMABY-KRUE culture, etc. BIB.: La Descane Des Coutigours, Des Slaves ET DS Avas Versa La Mer Exèe, Chari, Paris, 1978; Age Origin de la Slaviceion Des Balkans, CRAA, Paris, 1980. El. M.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПОПОВИЌ, Владислав