Poolarov, Risto (village Dobristista, Kostur, Aegean part of Macedonia, Greece, 25. and 1933 – Skopje, 30. ⅶ 1984) – Scientific adviser. After the exodus of the Macedonians in the Aegean part of Macedonia, I lived in Czechoslovakia. The high school finished in Karlovy Vary, and the Faculty of Philosophy (Group History) in Bratislava (1960). At the Institute of National History in Skopje he came to work in 1964. Defended doctoral dissertation in Bratislava on the topic “Kresna Uprising in Macedonia from 1878 And his echo in the Czech press “(1969). He acquired all the scientific titles at the Institute. He is the author of several monographs and scientific articles. He was a member of the editions of several historiographical newspapers. BIB .: Greek policy towards Macedonia in the second half of the Jury, Skopje, 1973; Liberation armed struggles of the Macedonian people in the period 1850-1878, Skopje, 1978; Santefan fiction of Macedonia, Skopje, 1978; Ajduk Duke Ilio Markov-Maleshevski, Skopje, 1978; Macedonian-Distributed Uprising, Skopje, 1979. Lit.: 50 Years Institute for National History 1948-1998, Skopje, 1998. Al. TR. Anton Popov
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПОПЛАЗАРОВ, Ристо