Popadic, Mary

Popadic, Mary (Miriam Sengfeld) (village Igal, Hungary, 12. ⅵ 1904/1905) – School doctor, Jewish. Medicine ended in Zagreb (1930). She worked in Stip, and then in the DNZ in Bitola (16. 1932), where he managed DD, vaccinations and patronage service. In 1934 He also opened a counsel for mothers with children. In the period from 1941-1944 She worked in the district hygienic laboratory and was a school doctor. In the second half of 1944 Together with the husband, they joined the partisans. After the liberation, until retirement, worked in DD in Skopje. P. B.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПОПАДИЌ, Марија

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