Pollution of the waters

Pollution of waters – All unclear waters (industrial or communal waste water) that are discharged in recipients (rivers and lakes) pollute the waters. Industrial wastewater mainly carry various toxic substances, heavy metals, and communal wastewater large amounts of organic substances containing high amounts of biogenic elements. Therefore, communal waters increase the productivity of the sweet waters (water trophy), which open processes of large consumption of oxygen, dissolved in the waters and cause the creation of anaerobic conditions in them. It violates the mechanisms of self-regulation of water ecosystems leading to strong degradation of biodiversity. Every person, during the year, from the metabolites ejects 0.6 kg / d. Phosphorus in communal waters, which increases the trophy of waters. From the agricultural areas, the IS – is washed nutrients, which increases the trophy of the waters. L. Gr.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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