Petkovich, Konstantin Dimitrov

Petkovich, Konstantin Dimitrov (Basino Village, Veles, 1824 – Odessa, November 1898) – poet, translator, scientist and diplomat. He graduated Slavic philology at the Petersburg University (1852), with the famous Slavist, Ivanovich Smezevski. He is author of one of the first poems in the new Macedonian poetry and is a signatory of the first labor of Slavistics written in Macedonian language and printed published by the Russian Academy of Konstantin Petkovich Sciences. He wrote in Russian and Macedonian. He spoke English, French, Italian, Romanian and more Slavic languages. He was a diplomatic officer in Vidin, Dubrovnik, Palestine and Beirut. Part: Clumpy Burkwadt, St. Peter-Burg, 1853; Notify® K. D. Petkoviche O Rukopassah Zogragon Zotatogarigo Monastery®, SP, 1853; Chishisova Ioana Brankova Depato Serpkog, Belgrade, 1853; OVER APHONEX ENTNESTISK K. P. Dimitrieva Petkovich, SP, 1865; Chernigni® and Cherngors, SP, 1877; Lebanon and Labs, 1885, and others. From his backlogged on materials from a collection of Macedonian folk proverbs, labor description and classification of proverbs as an autonomous semiotic and linguistic microsystem, SK, 1986 and the Russian-Macedonian dictionary of 1848, SK, 1990. Lit.: Aleksandar Spasov, choice , SK., 1986; Miroljube M. Stojanovic, Constantine D. Petkovich and Montenegro, KN. 1, SK., 1987; Haralampee Polenakovic, selected works, SK., Rh. 4, 1989; Vanco Tushevski, Studies of Brothers Konstantin and Andreja Petkovich, t. 1, SK., 2000; Lyudmil Spasov, selected chapters of the history of the Macedonian written language, the first part, SK., 2005. V. Tot. Tatjana Petkovska Petkovska (Guu), Tatiana

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПЕТКОВИЧ, Константин Димитров

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