Petkov, Todor (village Garry 1814 – 1899) – Protomistor. He dealt with construction and carving. According to his projects and under his leadership, many houses and “Towers” were built for Ohrid Christmas and stewards. The most important realization is the house of the Brothers Robevci (Anastas and Angel) in Ohrid, today the National Museum. He built the church in the village. Gorna Belica, Ohrid, and worked on the iconostasis in the same church, who completed his son Jakim. Lit.: K. Tomovski, Macedonian masters of builders in the nineteenth century, Skopje, 2006. Cr. T. Elena Petkova – Iivanova
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПЕТКОВ, Тодор