Patch, Lambro

Patch, Lambro (Ohrid, 23. 1908 – Skopje, 10. ⅸ 1982) – Agronomist and technologist. The gymnasium ends in Bitola. Graduated from the Faculty of Agriculture in Toulouse (1929) and the Faculty of Technology in Bordeaux, France (1931). Works in a larger number of tobacco mills, and since 1949. It passes (as an assistant) at the Faculty of Agriculture faculty in Skopje, on which it habilitates. He also works as the United Nations expert in Syria (three years) in the field of tobacco, where he is decorated with merit for “Syria ⅱ”. He published a number of scientific and expert papers in the field of tobacco. P. Iv. Methods Patchev

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПАТЧЕ, Ламбро

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