Parasitic diseases of plants – Infectious diseases caused by living organisms (usually microorganisms). The most important plant, parasitic diseases are: a) Mikos (cause fungi), b) bacterioses (cause bacteria), c) Viruses (cause viruses), d) Microplasomos (cause organisms -Mlo, similar to the Microplasms), D ) Rickatuses (cause organisms -lo, similar to the riques), f) Fikores (cause algae), e) lichenes (cause lichenes). This group also includes diseases caused by some parasitic flower (phanerogamee), which can be semi-marshitically (use only water and mineral substances from the host, and they themselves perform the synthesis of organic compounds, eg. Used) or bonded parasites (from Plants use ready-made organic substances, eg. CULTUTS SPP.). The most important diseases of forest and decorative trees are mykos, then bacterioses and vibries. From the parasitic flowerers very common are the standards. In the forest nurses, the biggest damages occur on the lower (screaming of the lower), and the causes are different phytopathogenous fungi: fusarium, PSThium, etc. Among the economically most significant, should be mentioned: Armilaria species, causes of rotting the root and the adhesives from the trunk, a disease that occurs in local epipypoles, then rust after the mortals of pines, which also occurs in periodic epifitos; The trays, which often disallow the natural restoration of the oak and many others. The epiphitization of the cancer chestnut (cause of Krzpenkriutria Parasitica) is the biggest disease in the history of forestry in Europe (discovered in 1938), and is also present in the Republic of Macedonia. The second largest epipry significant for forestry is that in the elest, known as Dutch disease (triggers) Ulmi and O. Novulsal). ST. N. Nikola Parapunov Parapunov-Vlado, Nicholas
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet