Pandurica-Koco, Arso (Bucino, Gornodumaj, 11. ⅶ 1912 – Ljissia, Gornoduma, 29th and 1944) – a member of the national liberation and communist movement in the Pirin part of Macedonia. The gymnasium ended up in Upper Jumaya, studied in silee and in Sofia. In Sofia (1938-1942) he collaborated with Nikola Vaptsharov and members of the Macedonian literary circle. He was a member of the District Committee, Deputy Nikola Parapunov after the Military Line (1941- 1944), commander of the Gornoduman Partisan Squad “Nikola Kalapchiev”. In order to massive the partisan movement and connect with the partisans from the Vardar part of Macedonia, half of the detention departed (late 1943. and the 1944) on the right side of the r. Struma. He died in the fight against the Bulgarian army, police and controlling. Lit.: Anton Veryikov, Arso Panduriska, Pirin Falcons, Sofia, 1970; Georgi Dzhzov (Drago), for whom the Murri, Sofia, 1971. V. Nd.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПАНДУРСКИ-КОЧО, Арсо