Osi, real

Ops, real (Vespidae) – cipcrylic insects (axes and steep). Feed with floral powder and nectar. Are characterized by black and yellow body. Live separately or in communities. The lowest form of common living exists in the Galesa Osa. A similar way ordinary wasp of life has all kinds of gender Vespa, which make holes in the ground or in hollow trees. The most common species in Macedonia are: ordinary Osa (Vespula Vulgaris L.), which makes nests in the country; Saxona Osa (Dolitzkhouvespool Sudonica Fabra), builds nests by houses and buildings; Red Osa (Vespulula Rufa L.), makes nests in hollow trees, and steel (Vespa Croat L.), which builds nests in abandoned human habitats or in the country and is our greatest wasp; The bite can be deadly. Lit.: Jonce Sapkarev, Zoology of invertebrate animals, Skopje, 1991. V. T. K.- M Cr.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ОСИ, ВИСТИНСКИ

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