Novakovic, Stojan (Sabac, Serbia, 1. ⅺ 1842 – Nis, 18. ⅱ 1915) – Serbian scientist, politician and statesman – minister and prime minister of the Serbian government, Ambassador (Constantinople, Paris, S.-Petersburg and London), signatory The London Peace Accord with Turkey (1913); University Stoyan Novakovic Professor and Academician; Philologist, historian and historian of literature. One of the ideologues (following the example of P. Slaveajkov 20 years before) for a Serbian language in the textbooks (primer and reading), printed in Constantinople (1888-1891), to facilitate the penetration of late Serbian propaganda in Macedonia. An active representative of the Gruster thesis in the political controversy surrounding the nature and affiliation of the Macedonian language, folklore, ethnography and history. Lit.: Blaze Ristovski, the role of the Macedonian language in the formation and development of national consciousness (with particular reference to the “Macedonian” of Stojan Novakovic), “Attachments”, ⅹⅹⅱ, 1-2, Olln Manu, Skopje, 2002, 39-56 . Bl. R.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис НОВАКОВИЌ, Стојан