The NLA (Liberation People’s Army), UCK / UKK (USWHTA çLIRIRIMTARE Combëtare) – A military (armed) formation of about 7,000 people, trained in training camps in Albania and Kosovo, American and British SAS and Parachute Polish officers. Closely related to the Kosovo Liberation Army – UCK. The NLA was formed in the autumn of 1999 From former recruits collected around Ra-Mush Haradinaj; In its composition, there are significant number of former UCK fighters (Kosovo); The commander in NLA G’Zim Ostreni is highly positioned in the Kosovo Protection Corps; The Albanian database at the time of the 2001 war, outside the Republic of Macedonia, is located in Prizren, Kosovo; From Kosovo, the armed gangs, groups, as well as irregular forces and mercenaries performing operations, are intrusion on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia; The Prizren is signed by the Prizren Declaration between Ahmeti, Imeri and Xhaferi). The first (missile) attack is carried out on 18 and 2001. On the police station in the village. Oslomej, Kichevo; on 22. and 2001 It performs the first more serious raiding attack with more severe consequences, and in June 2001. The United States puts it on the blacklist. By August 2001 It performs serious military operations, in which international (military) crimes are carried out. The proclaimed goal of NLA is an essential reared RM, as a state of two equal peoples. The signing of the Framework Agreement implies the consent of cancellation of separatist ambitions, respect for the institutions of the Republic of Macedonia, disarmament and amnesty for all committed works, except for the committed international crimes. The disarmament operation flows in the period of NATO mission “essentially causes action for” disarmament “organized by the Macedonian media and strongly supported by the Macedonian people (7. ⅸ 2001). Disarming from the S “What comes to hand (old dishes, pots, sticks, carrots, etc.), the Macedonian people of a cynical and maternal way expresses the revolt to the so-called. Disarmament (mostly from old and unusable weapons, a good part of true museum exhibits) in the presence of the “international community”, which collects only voluntarily delivered weapons. The adoption of the law on amnesty for the criminal offenses related to the war to 26. ⅸ 2001 (8. ⅲ 2002) and the adoption of the amendments of the 1991 Constitution. (16. ⅺ 2001). The process of transformation of the NLA, through the Coordination Council of Albanians in Macedonia, takes place up to 5,2001, when the new political entity DUI was established, which in the elections of 15. ⅸ 2001. It enters the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia as the most numerous Albanian party, with which the winning pre-election coalition SDSM-LDP makes a government coalition. De.: “Dnevnik”, “Utrinski vesnik”, Skopje, 7. ⅸ 2001. Lit.: Miter Arsovski, Stojan Kuzev, Risto Damjanovski, the war in Macedonia in 2001, Skopje, 2006. T. Petr.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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