Negrete, Macarius (Galichnik, OK 1800 – Pazardzik, Bulgaria, 1859) – Range and Iconic of the genus of Frckovci. Apart from the Resort of the city of Negotino Bardon, he also dealt with a special technique of decorating the capitals from the pillars in churches with different ornaments and figures. It is a craft on which some masters in ⅹⅰⅹ c. And they were completely handed over. He participated in the preparation of the iconostasis in the Skopje Church “St. Spas “(1825), who, as the first master, worked five-re Filipovich Garkata. Another confirmed work is the preparation of the ceivals in the famous lodgings of the manager of the Skopje Vileta Avzha Pasha in the village. Bardovci in Skopje, for which he was especially rewarded (with a horse and a permanent place in the market in Skopje). In addition, Pasha recommended him to participate in the decorating the bazaar mosque in Pazardzik (from where he originated). K. Gr. The city of Neurush
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис НЕГРИЕВ, Макариј