Naumov-Piljk, Gjurin (village Slanko, Poreche, 1850 or 1851 – p. Slatina, Porech, 25. ⅹ 1904) – a participant in the Ilinden Uprising, Krusevo-Kicevski Duke. He was a Chetam in the Sheets of the Duke J. Pepper (1899), M. Acev (1900), N. Russian (1901) and V. Markov (1902). After the Rakithic Province (1902) he was elected Krusevski Duke. The Ilinden Uprising led 90 rebels from the villages Slan, Koshino and Gorno savages. He led a fierce fight with the Ottoman army in the locals Plum and Kale. After the uprising leads to the Serbian troops in the area. Open is in folk songs. Lit.: M. Stojanoski, Djurcin Naumov-Piljac – Duke Krusevski, Bitola, 1996; A. Trajanovski, the revolutionary activity and association of Gjurcin Naumov-Piljac and Jordan Pepper. Clute: Ilinden Uprising – Jordan Pepper, Skopje, 2006. Al. TR. Olga Naumovska
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис НАУМОВ-Пљакот, Ѓурчин