MUSILY, KEMAL (Possud. Hurriy) (Skopje, 3. ⅲ 1921) – a political worker and a socialist. He finished high school and pedagogical course. He was a member of the CPY (from the first half of 1941), a member of the Muslim Party Kelia in Skopje (from the beginning of June 1941) and, along with Willal Seyfula, responsible for the PC printing house in Macedonia (20. ⅵ – September 1941) . Soon after, along with members of the Muslim Party, Abdush Hissin and resolved Mustafa, became a fighter of the Skopje National Liberation Partisan Squad (13. ⅹ 1941). He was a member of the MK of the CPY in Skopje. After the liberation, he was a trustee of the City People’s Board, a manager of the Nonician School, director of elementary school and the Albanian Teacher School “Zef Ljush Maku” and a member of the City Conference of the SSRN in Skopje, a member of the Republic Board of the SRM and MP in The Enlightenment-Cultural Council of the Assembly of the SFRY (1970). BIB. The enemy was powerless, “November 13”, V, 5, Skopje, 1966, 6; Medresa outside the walls, “November 13”, ⅷ, 8, Skopje, 1969, 16; 50 years of the death of Zef Lush Marku, “Nova Makedonija”, JJVI, 8573, Skopje, 3. ⅹⅰⅰ 1970, 4; The first night with the partisans, “November 13”, ⅸ, 9, Skopje, 1970, 8; Through the iron fence, “Vecer”, ⅸ, 2430, Skopje, 26. ⅲ 1971, 15; The goal of the winner and partisan “Freedom”, “Nova Makedonija”, Juji, 9141, Skopje, 4. ⅶ 1972, 6; The first night with the partisans, “Skopje in the Liberation War and Revolution 1941-1945”, Tom and, KN. First, Skopje, 1984, 184-185. Lit.: Willemal Seyfula, the activity of a party cell in 1941 in Skopje, “Nova Makedonija”, ⅹⅴⅰⅰ, 52485253, Skopje, 1. ⅵ 1961; The same, the party technique in Zinjirley Teke, November 13, and, 1, Skopje, 1962, 14; Miter inadeeski, Chronology of Skopje. The workers and the National Liberation Movement 1939-1945, book second, Skopje, 1974, 51, 53, 71 and 75. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МУСЛИ, ќемал

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