Morodvization – medieval city and bishopric. It is located in the area of Gradiste, with the village. Morodvise. It is first mentioned in 1018, when the city keys were handed over to Basil ⅱ in Mosinopol. In the gram of Basil ⅱ (1019) is ascensing as the seat of the bishopric, and at the end of ⅹⅰⅰ c. And as a province (together with Maleshevo). In ⅹⅳ c. is registered as a village. Lit.: Kiril Trajkovski, Research in Morodviz, 1980, Proceedings of the Archaeological Museum of Macedonia, J-ⅺ (1979 -1982), Skopje 1983, 133-142; T. Tomoski, Moro-development bishopric, Macedonia throughout the centuries. Cities, fortresses, communications, Skopje, 1999, 169-188. B. Petr.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МОРОДВИЗ