Mizrahi, Trajanka (village righteous, Kavadarechko, 24, ⅴ 1921 – 24. and 1991) – Participant in the NOB. As a member of the Macedonian Youth Movement, it became a member of the CPY (1941). She was a fighter in the Tikvesh NOO “Good Daskalov” (from 7. 1943) and deputy political commissioner of the first battalion of the Ninth Macedonian Nou Brigade. After the liberation, public and social functions carried out. The holder is a partisan monument 1941. Lit.: Women from Macedonia in the NOB 1941-1945, Skopje, 1976. Vl. Iv. Aleksandra Mijalkova-Georgievska
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МИЗРАХИ, Трајанка