Miklosch, Franz (Miklosich, Franz) (Radomershkk near Lutjomer, 20. ⅺ 1813 – Vienna, 7. 1891) – Slovenian linguist, Slavist, one of the founders of Slavistics as a scientific discipline. According to some of its conclusions, a supporter of the so-called Panonian hypothesis for the origin of the old-grade, whose author is copitar. In the study of the Geszchic, the Der Louthenzezkhnzezkhen (Denkocrifotic der Keysseer. Akad. In the Macedonian language, Skopje, 1953, 67). Lit.: Mikloschevo Proceedings (a group symposium in Lyubljani from 26. To 28. Junia 1991), Sazu, Lyubljanna, 1992. Z. T. Mycological laboratory at PMF in Skopje
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МИКЛОШИЧ, Франц