Meshkovski, Dimce (Skopje, 31. ⅹ 1945) – Actor. Member of the Drama Theater in Skopje (1967-2001). Participate in the radio and TV shows. Especially cherish humor and satire. Roles: pedaster (“Gutko”); Dofilo (“two bonds water”); Remaining Bey (“Wedding”); Foletane (“flea in-ear”); Taus Prichacho (“Jane Gorgaz”); Bash Steel in the eponymous work; Sekula (“Thessaloniki Patdiri”); Jerotie (“suspicious person”); Taus (“weekend of dead”); Measured (“Caligula”); Marko (“Assembly Center”); Ilijya Koffure (“Balkan Spy”). R. ST.
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Кириличен напис МЕШКОВСКИ, Димче