Maxut, Dzemail

Maxut, Dzemail (Skopje, 8. 1933 – Skopje, 28. ⅹⅰⅰ 2001) – Theater and film actor. He graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje, the English language group (1964). Member of the Turkish drama in the theater of the nationalities in Skopje (1953-1991). There are noticeable achievements both on film cloth, as well as the scenes of other theaters. Roles: Othello; The soldier of Bagnjdza in the same works; Marmeladen (“Crime and punishment”); Dervish (“Dervis and Death”); Ayan (“Ugurissuus”); Falstaf (“Merry Women Windsor”) and others. He performed in the films: “Until the freedom and after it”; “Node”; “Yad”; “Hay-Fay”; “Red Horse”; “Through the lake”; “Before the Rain”; “Dust” and others. R. ST.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МАКСУТ, Џемаил

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