Maura, Vasco Gra

Moura, Vasko Graša (VASCO Graza Maura) (Porto, 3rd and 1942) – Portuguese poet, storyteller, playwright, essayist. Translator of works by Shakespeare, Dante (Divine Comedy), Rilke, Lorca, etc. He is a poet erudite, a poet with intellectual sensibility, a large modernizer of poetic expression and language. Winner of the Golden Wreath of the SVP in 2004 BIB.: Modus changing, 1963; Instruments of melancholy, 1980; Concert in the field, 1993; My love, at night, was 2001. Lit.: V. Urosevic, deepening sensibility, “poetry,” SVP, Struga, 2004. P. Gil.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МОУРА, Васко Граса

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