Mason, Andre (Mason, Andre) (Paris, 7. 1881 – Paris, 13. ⅵ 1967) – French linguist, Slavist, Foreign member of the Academies of Poland, the USSR, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Member of the Acedemije Des the inscriptions ET Bellees Elder in Paris. In the First World War he found in the Macedonian language territory. The result are three books representing basic sources for familiarization of Southern Macedonian dialects at the beginning of XX. BIB.: CONTES Slaves de la Macédone Suducidal: Estude linguish love; Teggets ET traducothion; Noteis de Folklore, Paris, 1923; Datsuts, Condons ET CHANSOS Slaves de L’Interse du court, Paris, 1936, and – in co-authored with Andre Viane – L’Evangeliae de Tollakia: Una Peaway Slave Du Bas Vardar, Paris 1938. Z. T. Porter and theater critic in A. Maznevski: From the exhibition at Mala Stanica (2008) Andre Mazon at the History Institute of the USSR “Nova Makedonija”. Military Report
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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