Mangov, Krsturn (village D’Mornar, Kostur, Aegean part of Macedonia, 1912 – p. Breznitsa, Kostur Region, 11. 1949) – Participant in the Greek Communist and Anti-Fascist Movement and Dian of the Macedonian National Liberation Movement. He was secretary of the Royon Committee of the CPG for Koread, Kostur Region. In a large, he was president of NOF’s NOF environments for Kostur Region and member of the NOF Main Board for the Aegean part of Macedonia. He died in the village. Breznitsa from artillery grenade. Lit.: T. Mamorovski, bright characters from Aegean Macedonia (1945-1949), Skopje, 1987. St. KIS.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МАНГОВ, Крсто