Manjukov, Peter (village Mirkovci, Skopje, 27/13. Ⅶ 1878 -?, 1 and 1966) – short story writer, revolutionary anarchist, active participant in the Macedonian revolutionary movement at the Ilinden period. The author of the signed memoir book “Apprehensors of the storm”, in which he introduces exciting events from the recent history of Macedonia. Single of Bishop Nathanael Zografski from the village. Dogviste. He wrote in Bulgarian and Macedonian. Primary education ended in Plovdiv, one year studied at the Military School in Sofia, continued in the Gymnasium in Plovdiv, where he was expelled due to revolutionary activity. He graduated from a pedagogical school, studied chemistry at the Geneva University in Switzerland. There he approached the Secret Macedonian Revolutionary Committee (1898) and participated in the arrangement of c. “Obserection”, the body of Macedonian revolutionaries-terrorists. In 1899 He returned to Macedonia, taught in Skopje, where due to revolutionary activity was imprisoned, and after the liberation was expelled in Bulgaria. He participated in the preparation of diversion actions in Constantinople (1900). Close to Gemidges in Thessaloniki. In Sofia he met Goce Delchev and several months he was in his company in Macedonia. He was against the lifting uprising, and after the launch he participated in the execution of a diversion of the railway line nearby. Coolers Burgaz (1903). After a multi-year break, he graduated from the University of Nancy in France and returned to Bulgaria, where he worked as a forestry engineer. Among the two world wars lived in Plovdiv, where he died. He left behind rich forgive fiction and memoist, as well as correspondence with Macedonian revolutionaries. It belongs to the category authors with a refined and stained taste. BIB.: Preferences of the storm, I. Preface and translation Vanco Mechanian, Skopje, 1997. Lit.: Mihajlo Minoski, the revolutionary activity of Petar Manjukov until 1898, ZB. “Little known and unknown participants in the Macedonian liberation movement in the ⅹⅰⅹ and the beginning of the ⅹⅹ century” Skopje, 1995. K. Min. and d. T. Vocal-instrumental group “Manifiko”
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МАНЏУКОВ, Петар