
Management – universal process of effective and efficient performance of work with other people and engaging resources for achieving the predetermined objectives of the enterprise. The first element refers to management as a universal process. Management is universal activity, because it refers to all types of enterprises, for all functions and at all levels in the enterprise. The basic process of achieving work with the help of others is the same for all managerial work, at all levels and in all enterprises. This does not mean that all managers perform the same thing, or that for all requires the same ability at different levels. Management is basically a process of: planning, organizing, coordinating, motivating and controlling activities, which lead to more efficient execution of the goals of the enterprise. The second element consists of resources, and the human and material. The enterprise requires a high level of efficiency in the use of human and material resources. In essence, management exists when managers are responsible for efficient guidance of human effort when using material resources. The third element consists of people, whose effort is done. With the help of people managers perform their work. The fourth element refers to the formulation and achievement of the objectives of the enterprise with the effort of other people. Management involves the coordination of human and material resources in the direction of achieving the goals. People’s effort is directed towards goals. The objectives are needed because activities should be directed towards a beloved end result or condition. The main feature of a modern nation is management in enterprises. Science management is the main feature of industrial society. In practice, he has since there is civilization. In modern economic performance, its significance is enormous. Otherwise, the term management has more meanings. First, it is used to define broad areas of activity. Secondly, it describes the levels of authority within the organization, that is, their division of top management, medium management and management at a lower level, according to their authority. Third, the term indicates a functional approach covering: planning, organizing, coordinating, motivating and controlling. Fourth, management covers: employees, finance, materials and objectives, acquisition and sale, methods and procedures, assets and equipment. In our country in the previous social-economic and political system, the term management was almost not used, or ideological reasons used in a negative connotation, in terms of stamping the “stated tendencies of domination of managerial structures”. After the independence of the country and the construction of the new system, management science received the full right of citizenship. Management and related scientific disciplines are taught today in secondary schools, mandatory at the faculties of the economic structure (at undergraduate and postgraduate studies), but also at other faculties. More recently, the number of scientific and professional papers in the field of management (textbooks, articles, masters, doctorates), prepared or published in Macedonian, has seen a steady rise. Lit.: Bobk Sugarv, Management, Fourth Edition, Skopje, 2004. B. w.

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