Malinska, Veselinka Georgieva

Malinska, Veselinka Georgieva (Kumanovo, 4 and 1917 – Skopje, 12. ⅺ 1987) – National and Communist Deper, Power, journalist, and politician. As a member of the Sacio (1933) and Secretary of the Salvean Activ (1934), he was arrested (January-February 1936) in the investigative prison in Skopje and Ada Ciganlija (Belgrade). He completed the trade academy in Nis. As a member of the CPY (1936) and a Student of the High Economic and Commercial School in Zagreb, Bi-La Valued activist in the Kumanovo Student Company (in the summer of 1937) and was elected member of the MK of the CPY in Kumanovo. He later studied in Belgrade (1939), where he was secretary of the Mesa Board of People’s Aid (1940-1941). After the April war was the main courier link of the PC of the CPY for Serbia and the CPY Central with the Belgrade Nopo and party organizations in Serbia. In leave was sentenced to death (April 1942). Then he returned to Macedonia (May 1942) and was Secretary of the MK of the CPY in Skopje and editor of his newspaper “Journal”. Soon left as a fighter in the second Skopje NOO (October 1942 – January 1943), and then I was illegalized in the adults of Skopska Crna Gora, from which he left (20. 1943) on the PL. Karaorman for Secretary of Agitprop at GS of New and Pom. She was a candidate for a member of the CPM CC (1943-1945), elected Delegate of Awnoy, member of the NOF Main Board, Joint Editor of the SP. “Ilinden Way” (from April 1944), a delegate and second secretary of the work presidency of the first session of ASNOM (2. 1944), a representative of the Trust of Information (from 14. 1944) and editor of the SP. “Makedonka” (from November 1944). After the liberation, the Secretary of the Council of the AFZ for Macedonia (from 15. 1944), completed the Suro Djukovic’s political school in Belgrade, was the editor-in-chief of c. “Nova Makedonija”, Director of Radio Skopje (1952-1961), President of the Association of Journalists of Macedonia, Vice President of the Main Board of SSRNM, member of the Executive Council of the Assembly of the SRM, Republic and Federal MP, member of the President of the President of the CC of SKM, chairman of the University Council at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius “in Skopje and a member of the Presidency of SRM. The holder is a partisan monument 1941. BIB.: In Skopje 1942, “Enlightened Woman”, no. 11, Skopje, 1961, 1; Meetings with Tito in 1941, “Enlightened Woman”, Skopje, May 1972, 4-5; Standing ahead forward, anniversary of the first conference of AFZ of Macedonia, “Enlightened Woman”, Skopje, December 1972, 2; Notes on Chronicle – Skopje October 1942 – July 1943, “13 November”, ⅺ, 11, Skopje, 1972, 6; For the activity of the agitation department and propaganda of the CPM Central Committee and the main headquarters of New and Pom during his stay in the village of Gorno Vranovci, Veles and Veles in New 1943-15 May 1945, Titov Veles, 1977, 201-204; Meeting with Tito in 1941. Memories, “enlightened woman”, Skopje, May 1980, 14-15; Notes on Chronicle, “Skopje in the Liberation War and Revolution 1941-1945, Tom and, KN. First, Skopje, 1984, 167-174; Rise of informative and cultural action. Historical days of Gorno Vranovci, Skopje, 1984, 86-91; Women of Macedonia in the struggle for equality, an unforgettable, NIP “Communist”, Skopje, 1985. Proceedings on the participation of women from Macedonia at the National Liberation War and the Revolution 1941-1945, Skopje, 1976; Kumanovo and Kumanovo in New 1941-1945. Documents, Kumanovo, 1988. Lit.: Petar Trajkovski, Georgi Malinski – First Esperantist in the country, “Our newspaper”, ⅹⅴⅰⅰⅰ, 666, Kumanovo, 18. ⅴ 1979, 5; Kumanovo and Kumanovo in New 19411942. Materials from the scientific gathering held on 12, 13 and 14 December 1978, Kumanovo, December 1979. S. Ml. Gorgi Malkovski

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МАЛИНСКА, Веселинка Георгиева

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