Maleshevska, Anne (Dupnitsa, Bulgaria, 1871 – Bulgaria, 1942) – Teacher, participant in the Ilinden Uprising, the daughter of Nikola Maleshevski, Punk Chief of TMORO in Dupnitsa. Grammar ended in Thessaloniki. He taughted in Kukush, where he joined in Tmo. Entered the team of the Kuky district Archova Cross Aseenov (in the spring of 1903). The Ilinden (1903), during the sanctification of the rebel flag, was married by Cr. Asenov in the church in the village. Cornishor. Because of this, the Duke Assenov was killed by his election. After this dramatic event, Anne went away from the company and made devoted to the teaching activity. Lit.: Milen Kumanov, Macedonia, Kratík Historic Coverruptus, Sofia, 1993. V. F. Maleshevska Diocese.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МАЛЕШЕВСКА, Ана