Macroeconomic sectors – household sector (C – requires final consumables and services – Necessary, luxury, durable); Sector of enterprises (and requires and consumes capital goods, i.e. covers gross domestic investments); The state of the state (MV budget consumption), and the foreign trade sector (J-M, i.e. the difference between exports and import of final goods and services, the so-called. net exports). The four macroeconomic sectors create aggregate demand in the economy: AD = C + and + G + (J-M). By summing up the value of the consumed final goods and services by the four macroeconomic sectors, the gross domestic product is obtained according to the so-called. expenditure method. The value of the individual components of the aggregate demand and the gross domestic product in the Republic of Macedonia in 2005. amounted to: gross to-dale product = 206.6 md. day. C + 57.2 billion. day. And + 55.11 billion. day. G + (106, 75 MRD. Day. J- 160.42 billion. Day. M) = 265.25 billion. day. Exhibit on the basis of data from the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Macedonia, “Newsletter” July / August / 2006, 16. Lit.: P. Samuelson, P. AND NG. NORDHAUS, ECOOOMICS, EIGHTENEH Editon, McGle-Hill International Editing; T, FITT, Economics – Fundamentals of the Economics, Skopje, 2006. T. F.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet