Macedonian terminology., Newsletter & Authority of the Maked Board. Scientific and expert terminology in MANU, organized by BL. Koneski (1968) In order to work on the project as the most primitive task of MANU, in order to create a means of scientific communication and teaching knowledge in the pedagogical process. Since 1969 It is working on this macro safe with about 30 commissions of various scientific disciplines. The ultimate goal of the project is to prepare terminological dictionaries from individual areas, but the need imposes during the preparation of dictionaries The material is presented to the wider scientific public so that it can participate in the work with their suggestions, remarks and supplements. For this purpose, the newsletter presents the successively processed material. From 1971 to 2008 113 volumes of 37 disciplines were published. P. HR. Il.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet