Macedonian societies in Serbia

Macedonian societies in Serbia (1996-2006). The first society of Macedonians in Serbia (Serbia-Montenegro) “Macedonia” was established in the Branichevo District based in Pozarevac (1996). In Belgrade (July 1997), the Yugoslav-Macedonian Society for Friendship “Shar Planina” was established, which formed subsidiaries in Krusevac, Kraguevac, Leskovac, Pancevo and Novi Sad. In Zrenjanin (5 ⅶ 1998), a Serbian-Macedonian friendship company was established. They were then formed: Association of Macedonians from the Punnian District, based in Smederevo (5 ⅺ 1999); Association of Macedonians from the Jablan District “Ilinden”, based in Leskovac (28. ⅺ 2002); Association of Macedonians from the Nasyan District “Vardar”, based in Nis (20. ⅹⅰⅰ 2002); Association of Macedonians from the Southern District “Vardar” (16. ⅱ 2003). Conditions for forming a community of Macedonian societies were created. In Pozarevac (5. ⅶ 2003), the founding assembly of the Macedonian community in Serbia and Montenegro was held. Gojko Ilievski, lawyer was elected president. After its formation, the number of associations increased. An association of Macedonians in Belgrade “Koco Racin” was established (13. ⅹⅰⅰ 2003). At the end of 2004 The national council was established, the organ of the Macedonian community companies was established and the Union of the President of the National Council of the Macedonian Community in Serbia Jovan Radeski receives the keys from the office of the President of the Municipality of Pancevo (2004) Macedonian cultural societies before the state authorities for exercising the rights of The Macedonian national minority in the field of: the use of language, script, education, information and culture. The constitutive session took place in Pancevo (26. ⅹⅰⅰ). An association of Macedonians from the Pchinj district “Goce Delcev” was established, based in Vranje (17. ⅱ 2005). The National Council due to insufficient engagement did not provide institutional positioning of the Macedonian community. As a consequence, in late December, when the Assembly of the State Community Serbia and Montenegro ratified the European Charter for Minority Languages, the Macedonian language was not registered in minority languages ​​in the country. Lit.: Gaple Ilievski, what happened to us? How I organized the Macedonian national minority in Serbia-Montenegro, Pozarevac, 2006. M. Min. Ljuben Lape: The activity of the Main Board of Macedonian Companies in Switzerland 1918 & 1919

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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