Leov, Jordan

LEOV, Jordan (Veles, 29th 1920 – Skopje, 20. IX 1998) – short story writer, novelist, lawyer. He completes the Faculty of Law in Belgrade. He is a member of the Macedonian DPM since 1952. His literary interests date from the Second World War, but with the first creations appear after the war in the magazine “New Day”. The attention of the Macedonian critical thought turns with the novel-chri-Jordan Leov Nika “Vocratimi” (1956), an engagement prose with traditional-realistic and Bitovo regional experience. Part: Sold stories: Stronger than death (1952) and deep wound (1953); Romani: WORD (1957), Deaf Mucks (1960), poppy (1963) and pain of pain (Romanized biography for Koco Racin, 1968); Blaze Ristovski, Macedonian verse 19 & 1944. Research and materials, and, Skopje, 1980, 457 & 504. Lit.: Miodrag Foreign, history of Macedonian literature ⅹⅹ century (1990); Hristo Georgievski, the Macedonian novel 1952-2000 (2002). C. M.- Coin of King Leon, Overs / Revers

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЛЕОВ, Јордан

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