Lazarov, Risto (Stip, 3. ⅹ 1949) – poet, critic, translator, director of the Skopje television station “Telma”. Faculty of Philology in Skopje is completed. Works as a longtime journalist in a series of editions. The first man of the Tanjug agency. Member of the Macedonian PEN Center, and since 1972 Member and DPM. Part: Stevroshibitions: Night Bird in the Park (1972), Jana (1980), Groen Stake (1982), Drops of Kisel Truth (1985), Le-through Ocean (1988), Boiling point (1990), Standard (1993) , Siljan Stork once again puts Macedonia (1995), historus diseases (1996), Years (1996), Heraclea (1999), Columbus (2000), three for preferrases (2001), followed (2003), Checkopec (2006); poetry for children: Gorjan in Dojran (1988) and from Bitola I went (1990); Publicism: First person singular (interviews) and sheet per sheet. Lit.: Miodrag Foreign, history of Macedonian literature ⅹⅹ century (1990). C. M.-
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЛАЗАРОВ, Ристо