Lazarov, Mihailo

Lazarov, Mihajlo (Skopje, 1932) – ceramic. He graduated from APU in Belgrade. He worked as a professor of ceramics in UPU in Skopje. He spent independently and grouped in Skopje and abroad. It works unique and sculptural ceramics with a refined sense of plasticity, linking the tradition with the decorative and art. Creates bioforms and ball forms with mineral and plant motifs. The winner of several awards and recognitions. Mihailo Lazarov: Valamoplasty Lit.: Vladimir Velichkovski, Contemporary Macedonian ceramics, Skopje, 2004. Al. Cv. Risto Lazarov

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЛАЗАРОВ, Михајло

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