Lavrov, Petar Aleoshevich (Yaroslav, Russia, 6/18. IX 1856 – Leningrad / SPB., 24. XI 1929) – Russian Slavist, Cyrillo-Methodist, Paleographer and historian of the old Slavic literacy and literature. He completed the Historical Pilology Faculty at the Moscow University (1879). A candidate dissertation defended for Serbian folk songs from the Kosovo cycle, a Master of Montenegrin poet P. P. Njegos and his literary work (1887), and doctoral for sounds and formal peculiarities in the Bulgarian language (1893). He was a professor at the Moscow, Warsaw, Newborn (Judge) and S.-Petersburg University. Elected as correspondent (1902) and regular member (1923) of Ran, and Dop. He is also a member of the Serbian (1906), the Czech Republic (1907) and the Yugoslav Academy of Sciences (1911). Participant in the “Macedonian expedition” of Early (1900), when he is acquainted with his future student K. P. Misirkov. He introduces the first university lectures for Macedonian speeches (1900/01) and encourages Misirkova to collect folk songs and make a description of his end of his native speech, and it becomes his mentor for the diploma work “Koners of People’s People and Scope Corolate” And the recommended for his postgraduate studies at the Department of Slavic Philology (1902). BIB.: Labor Labor Prof. P. A. Lavrove, “Notice Academies Science”, 6 Sir., 1923, No. 17; B. M. Lyapunov, list of Mechevo Labor Acad. P. A. Lavrova, sealed position S 1923, “reported An”, 7 Sir., Delivery Numanitarian Science, No. 8, M., 1930; Blaze Ristovski, the early manuscripts of Krste P. Misirkov in Macedonian language, Skopje, 1998. BL. R. Asen Lagadinov -Simco Ligadinov-Dimcho, Asen
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЛАВРОВ, Петар Алексеевич