Kurepesic, Benedict

Kurepesic, Benedict (Benedict Türipsezhitz) (Gornji city, ⅹⅴⅰ c.) – Slovenian roadpisic. He knew the Latin and German language and was a passionate scholar of history. As a connoisseur of political and religious relations in the Ottoman Empire and as a “Latin translator”, he was involved in the 30-membered Austrian parliamentary who directed Ferdinand ⅰ at Sultan Suleiman in Constantinople for concluding a truce, led by King’s advisor Croat Mykola Jurisic and the Royal Tag of Krajina Count Josef von Lambert. In Vienna (1531), he published a travelogue for his passage in the northern part of Macedonia (1530-1531). From this issue there were preserved samples at one in the museum library in Sarajevo and the university billion in Ljubljana, and two copies of the popular use of Belgrade, but lost. Only a handwritten transcript is preserved. BIB.: Translation of Serbian language Cedomile Mijati, “Videndan”, no. 77-88, Belgrade, 1863; Translation into Bulgarian in the “Periodician magazine of B” Language Book. kn. 4, Sophie®, 1883; Itinerarium Utgraus Kün. Mah. Poschaft gene Conspentinopel Zu Dem Turkischhen Caiser Solescoman Anno Juj. Issued by E. Lamberg-SCHNkenberg, Insruz, 1910; Putopopus Cross Bosnu, Serbiue, Bulgariac and Rumeleyu 1530. Crossipation F. Pijanovic, Sarayevo, 1950. Lit.: R. Matkovic, Potovania after Balkan clever ⅹⅴⅰ century, “Rad”, Zagreb, 1881, 56. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КУРИПЕШИќ, Бенедикт

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