Krusevski Manifest – fragment of the drama “Ilinden” of Nikola Kirov-May, published (as his own edition) in Macedonian language in Sofia in 1923. In the interwar period of the workers’ movement and during the NOB, this text was declared as a proclamation of the Krushevo Ilinden insurgents or Krusevski Manifesto (1903). Krusevic Mother in his drama, written two decades after Ilinden, teaches events in the spirit of his then federal political concept and those ideas put them in the mouth of N. Karev as a dramatic character. It is known, however, from the time of the uprising (1903) a short letter in Turkish language addressed (such as printed text and competent stamp) to “respectable Turks” in Macedonia, in which “the Macedonian Central Revolutionary Committee decided to enter into combat In order to win a responsible and humane administration instead of the present, which is equally difficult for both Christians and Muslims. The fight has already begun and the Committee feels debt to address the respectable Turks living here with a plea to calm their brothers so that they do not see the hostile of the uprising. The insurgents will refrain from any enemy actions against the peaceful population, if it does not make damage to the rebels. And after our victory, it will also be used, as well as we, with the Benzian of the received of us freedom. ” Not.: N. K. May, Drama in fiveï D
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet