Kreliu, Mets (Debar, 30. ⅵ 1923) – a politician and a socialist. He was a participant in NOVM (from 1941), a member of the CPM (from 1943), a member of the IMC of the CPM in Debar, and then a fighter of partisan and military units: political commissioner of a battalion, a member of the Brigadier Committee of the CPM and the deputy commander of the Military area. After the liberation, a Visa Pedagogical School in Skopje has graduated and was the Secretary of the Religious Commission of the Government of the NRM, a personal officer of the NBR Orientation, President of the Planning Committee of the NBA National Board in Skopje, President of the Assembly of the Municipality of Gjorce Petrov (Skopje), Secretary of the Municipal Committee of SKM Kale (Skopje), vice president of the Assembly of the City of Skopje, member of the CCM of the SCM (elected Ⅳ Congress of SCM) and member of the Secretariat of the CCM (1970). The holder is a partisan monument 1941. Bib.: The party organization in Debar in 1943, “Free territories in Macedonia 1943”, Skopje, 1975, 471-479. S. Ml. Sheet from the TRANKA DAMASKIN (ⅹⅴⅰ c.)
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КРЛИУ, Мети