Kralev, Todor Panchev (Stip, 16. IX 1944) – Mechanical engineer graduated in 1968. and mastered in 1972 at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade, where he became an assistant (1971-1973). From 1973 to 1975 He works at the Institute of Economics in Skopje. Since 1975 He spent at the electrical faculty in Skopje in the title of the Assistant. In 1981 He received his doctorate at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade. In 1987 He was elected full professor at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Skopje. He was a dean of interdisciplinary studies in occupational safety and environmental engineering. He has published a total of 173 scientific and scientific and professional papers: 26 books, 8 scientific topics, 20 labor printed in magazines, 71 Labor presented at scientific conferences and symposia, 16 studies and analyzes, 20 projects and elaborates, 4 television and radiets. Fig. A. Krular, Branko (Krk, Croatia, 12. ⅷ 1915) – Full Professor, Organization Specialist and Economics of Forestry. He graduated in Zagreb (1938), specialized in France (1956) and Germany (1957). The agricultural and forestry faculty in Skopje comes as an organization of organization and economical in forestry and wood processing (1949). PhD in Zagreb in the field of economic sciences (1956). His “economics of the forestry of Yugoslavia” (1964) is the first textbook of that obstement. He was a full professor and scientific adviser to the forestry and freelance professor at the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb (1961- 1980). Honorary member of the Polish Forest Company. He published more than 120 papers in domestic and foreign magazines. Al. And.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КРАЛЕВ, Тодор Панчев