Kostur Diocese of the Ohrid Archbishopric (ⅹⅰⅰⅰ c.) – Diocese in the southwestern part of Macedonia and southern present Albania. In ⅹⅰⅰⅰ c. He grew into a metropolis and the headquarters was transferred to Korcha. Then the Korchanal Bishop is mentioned as a first middle metropolitan, who was the first deputy of the Ohrid Archbishop. Lit.: Ivan Snarar, a historus of the Ohrid Archbishopric, 1 and 2, Second phototypical edition, Sofia, 1995; John Belchovski, Ohrid Archbishopric since the foundation to the fall of Macedonia under Turkish rule, Skopje, 1997. Rat. Gr. Kotevska, Radmila Jovanova
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КОСТУРСКА ЕПАРХИЈА на Охридската архиепископија